ENG 210: Shakespeare (the late plays)
Miss Berglund
Spring 2000
Office: Blaustein 321; Box 5335; 439-2197; lber@conncoll.edu
Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays, 10-11:30 a.m.; Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and by appointment

Required Texts: Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Troilus and Cressida, Coriolanus, Antony and Cleopatra and The Tempest.

Course Requirements: Two 1,000-1,250 word papers (20% each); participation in the class production of Macbeth on Tuesday, 4 April (20%); brief written performance evaluation (5%); final examination (20%); and class discussion (15%). You must complete all work assigned in order to pass the course.

Please note that the performance of Macbeth takes place outside our regular class time and that attendance is required. If you have a class that conflicts this requirement, you must discuss the conflict immediately with your other professor. If he or she will not excuse you for that evening, then you should drop this course.

Unexcused late papers will be marked down 1/3 of a grade. If you hand in a paper more than a week late I may refuse to accept it, in which case it will receive a grade of F.

Papers must be double-spaced, typed and stapled in the upper left-hand corner. No extra title pages, folders or covers. Papers that do not follow the citation and format guidelines handed out in class will be returned for immediate revision and may be marked down for lateness.

You may hand in an advance draft of either paper for my comments; I will return the paper within 48 hours. You also should feel free to consult me at any stage during the writing process.

If you miss class on a day when you are assigned a study question, your final grade will be lowered by one level (e.g., a B would become a C). When you are assigned a study question, prepare a thoughtful 2-3 minute answer. Use the questions to guide your reading and expect to participate in discussion of all questions. These question sheets cover all material on the final examination. You should finish reading each play by the first day it is assigned.

Monday, 24 January introduction
Wednesday, 26 January Measure for Measure
Monday, 31 January Measure for Measure
Wednesday, 2 February Measure for Measure
Monday, 7 February Hamlet
Wednesday, 9 February Hamlet
Monday, 14 February Hamlet
Wednesday, 16 February Hamlet
Monday, 21 February Othello
Wednesday, 23 February Othello
Monday, 28 February Othello; this week group representatives meet with me to discuss Macbeth
Wednesday, 2 March King Lear
Monday, 9 March King Lear
Wednesday, 11 March King Lear
Friday, 13 March 4-5 page paper on tragedy due
Monday, 27 March Troilus and Cressida
Wednesday, 29 March Troilus and Cressida
Monday, 3 April no regular class meeting; use time for Macbeth prep
Tuesday, 4 April Macbeth performance, 7 p.m. in Ernst Common Room.
Materials for program due by 1 p.m.
Wednesday, 5 April CANCELLED
Monday, 10 April Macbeth; performance evaluations due
Wednesday, 12 April Coriolanus
Monday, 17 April Coriolanus
Wednesday, 19 April Coriolanus
Monday, 24 April Antony and Cleopatra
Wednesday, 26 April Antony and Cleopatra
Monday, 1 May Antony and Cleopatra
Wednesday, 3 May The Tempest
Monday, 8 May The Tempest
Wednesday, 10 May The Tempest; 4-5 page paper on Roman play due

Prof. Berglund's Home Page
English Department Home Page